I'm a big fan of Josias Joesler and the houses and other buildings that he designed and built in the Tucson Foothills. And judging by the number of web searches that I get for Joesler, or Josias Joesler, or Joesler homes, a lot of other people are interested in this little known (except here in Tucson) Swiss born architect.
Given that interest, I thought it worth-while to compile a list of sources of information on Josias Joesler and his work - albeit a short one, since there doesn't seem to be much available.
But I've also included links to the Joesler homes that are currently for sale in the Tucson Foothills and those that have sold in the last few years. Enjoy!
-Josias Joesler: An Architectural Eclectic
written by, R. Brooks Jeffery, Coordinator of Preservation Studies at the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (CALA) at the University of Arizona. A great source of information on Joesler.
-Northern Pima County - Catalina Foothills
This is from the Northern Pima County Chamber of Commerce and provides a history of the Tucson Foothills, and how Joesler and his patron John Murphy were a key players in the development of the Tucson Foothills.
-Josias Joesler gave Foothills character
An article from the Arizona Daily Star that discusses the continued popularity of Joesler's homes in the Tucson Foothills.
-St. Philips In The Hills Episcopal Church
The most prominent of Joesler's public buildings it's located at the entrance to the original Catalina Foothills Estates on the northeast corner of River Rd and Campbell Ave.
-Joesler's For Sale
A link to the Tucson MLS showing the 4 Joesler homes that are currently for sale in the Tucson Foothills.
-Joesler's SOLD
A link to the Tucson MLS showing the 18 Joesler homes that have sold in the Tucson Foothills in the last 4 years or so.
**A few of these Joesler homes pop up more than once, having come up for sale a couple of times over the last few years.
**Unless I remember to renew them, the links to the Tucson MLS will expire on 9/10/07.
If they do, contact me for info on Joesler homes currently for sale.
If you know of other good sources of information on Josias Joesler please post it here or email me. I'd appreciate it.